Welcome to Hamways Repairs Help Page

The Hamways Repair Team are dedicated to resolving repair and maintenance issues in your home. Our friendly and experienced professional team are here to ensure that any maintenance issues are dealt with efficiently and effectively. We have a network of approved, certified contractors across the country to attend and resolve any Landlord property issues.

The best way to contact us is through the On-Line Portal where you can report and track any repairs or maintenance issues. If you have a problem that needs attention, read through our helpful guide below which sets out both your responsibilities and where and how we can help.

Dealing With Issues in Your Home

During your tenancy you are responsible for keeping the property clean and in good order and undertaking minor day to day tasks. To prevent issues occurring there are some simple rules to follow to make sure that your home is looked after. We have set out below some of the most common issues and maintenance guidance. The list is not exhaustive, and you should refer to your tenancy agreement if you are not sure. Your safety is always paramount, and no task should be undertaken that puts you in any danger of harm.

The following small tasks are your responsibility to undertake:

  1. Replacing lightbulbs (including in any appliances)
  2. Bleeding central heating radiators
  3. Testing and replacing batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide alarms

To prevent issues occurring we ask that you ensure you follow these simple procedures:

  1. Toilets- please do not flush sanitary items, wet wipes or nappies
  2. Ventilation – please keep bathrooms and any other room with high humidity heated, ventilated and clean to prevent mould.
  3. Food waste- please bag and dispose of in the correct bin to prevent pests. Please do not put oil or food waste down the sink or drain

Damages and Breakages

Accidents happen! No matter how careful we are, sometimes things break or get damaged. Please contact us if an item belonging to the landlord is broken or damaged.

Common Maintenance Issues

To help solve your issue as quickly as possible we have set out the most common issues that arise around the home. Click on the issues below for further information and guidance on how to resolve the problem:

In the Event You Smell Gas

If your property is connected to a gas supply and you smell gas, please :

  • Turn off the gas supply [for natural gas] at the meter at the emergency control valve [ECV]; unless the meter is located in a basement or cellar. If there is a smell of gas in the basement or cellar – evacuate the building
  • Extinguish all naked flames. Do not smoke or strike matches
  • Do not operate electrical switches (as this may ignite escaping gas)
  • Open windows and doors to ventilate property
  • Immediately Call the Gas Emergency Freephone number: 0800 111 999
  • Call Hamways repair team on 01883 730890
  • Please leave a contact number with the Repairs Team
  • Once the engineer from National Grid has attended, please advise Hamways of their findings
  • Hamways will then ask an engineer to attend if necessary and find fault/repair



Your property will be fitted with a CO detector in rooms using solid fuels, such as coal and wood. We also aim to fit every room with a CO detector where gas is used, such as the rooms with the boiler or gas hob in.

Will we make sure the detectors are working at the start of your tenancy and you must ensure they are tested regularly, and batteries are changed if needed. Please notify Hamways if they are not working and you have already tried to change the battery.

Carbon Monoxide has no smell or taste, so never assume it is a false alarm. If your CO detector is activated please ensure that you open doors and windows to ventilate the area, immediately contact Emergency Helpline on 0800 111 999 and call the Hamways Repair Team on 01883 730890.

A smoke detector will be fitted on every floor in your property. Will we make sure they are working at the start of your tenancy and you must ensure they are tested regularly, and batteries are changed if needed. Please notify Hamways immediately if a detector is not working and you have already tried to change the battery.

A number of our properties are fitted with communal smoke detectors which are tested every quarter. Please notify Hamways immediately if you think there is a fault with this type of smoke detector.

How to Prevent Condensation, Mould and Damp

Condensation can lead to mould growth on walls and ceilings, and to damp patches forming.

Condensation occurs when moist air hits cold surfaces; often walls, mirrors, tiles and windows.

As a tenant, it is your responsibility to prevent condensation in your home. These simple steps will help

  1. Produce Less Moisture – avoid drying clothes indoors. If this is not possible then dry clothes in the bathroom with the door closed, windows open and any extractor fan turned on. Covering pans when cooking and not leaving kettles boiling will also help to reduce moisture in the air.
  2. Remove Excess Moisture – As moisture settles on cold surfaces such as windows and tiles it is very important to wipe these surfaces regularly, particularly in the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom.
  3. Ventilate to Remove Moisture – This can be done without reducing the temperature in your home. Opening windows allows warm moist air to escape and permits cool dry air to enter and this air is actually quicker, and cheaper to heat. Many new style UPVC windows have trickle vents that should be left open regularly.
  4. Heating Level – The best way to keep your property warm and free of moisture it to keep the heating on low for a long period of time, rather then shorter bursts of high heat.
  5. Treating Mould – If mould has begun to form then follow the above steps to reduce condensation and further mould growth. To treat the mould, wipe it off immediately using water and a fungicidal wash. This can be purchased from your local DIY shop and you should choose a product that carries a Health and Safety Executive approval number and follow instructions carefully. Tea Tree oil is an effective natural treatment. Try a solution of 3 or 4 drops of oil in 2 litres of water and wipe or spray effected areas. Ensure you carry out a test on a small area first.

In order to effectively reduce condensation you should be following these steps regularly so that they become habit and part of your everyday lifestyle.

Think about this:

  • Washing the dishes produces 2 pints of water a day
  • Two people at home for 16 hours produces 3 pints of water a day
  • Drying clothes indoors produces up to 9 pints of water a day

The following are considered a pest and will be attended to by Hamways

Mice, rats, cockroaches

The following are not considered a pest and will NOT be attended to by Hamways

Spiders, flies, wasps, moths, bees, bed bugs, squirrels, birds

How can you prevent pests/insects?

  • Keep outside areas clean of rubbish and put bin bags in bins
  • Keep food out of sight and in air tight containers
  • Clean floors and food preparation surfaces regularly
  • Regular household cleaning, dusting, hoovering, change of bed sheets etc
  • Keep gardens maintained and not left to be overgrown


High street stores and online suppliers offer many solutions to keep pests at bay. Repellents, electronic devices and regular cleaning are a simple solution to most pest issues.

If you have carried out the above maintenance and you are still having issues, or have another repair issue, please raise a repair request via our online portal, by telephoning 01883 877090 or emailing repairs@hamways.com

There are simple ways to remedy most fridge or freezer issues. If you have been experiencing issues with the fridge or freezer at the property, you can follow the steps below to try and resolve these.

Please follow this guidance before reporting one of these issues as a repair. Tenants are expected to clean and maintain appliances in the property

  • Water in the appliance – Inside the appliance at the bottom near the back of the fridge, there is a small drain hole. Clear this using a small thin stick (such as a toothpick). This will clear any blockage and allow the water to drain away.
  • Fridge or freezer not getting cold or over freezing – Use the unblocking method as above and then remove all items and fully defrost the appliance for 24hrs, using old towels to collect any water. You may find your appliance is also over stacked with food items. Air needs to circulate in the appliance, so try to keep items away from the back wall of the appliance.
  • Drawers in the appliance – if these break or are damaged you can order new drawers. Hamways will credit your rent account if provided with a receipt for purchase. Please send a copy to repairs@hamways.com
  • Light not coming on in appliance –  bulbs are to be maintained and changed by the tenant
  • Appliance is not turning on – Check your fuseboard hasn’t tripped. Try another socket to determine if it is an appliance or electrical issue
  • Doors won’t close/seal not catching – Is there a build up of frost or ice? Defrost the appliance fully for 24hours. DO NOT chip away at the ice. Wash the both sides of door seal with warm soapy water

If you have carried out the above maintenance and you are still having issues, or have another problem with the appliance, please raise a repair request via our online portal, by telephoning 01883 877090 or emailing repairs@hamways.com


If you have been experiencing issues with the washing machine or washer/dryer at the property, such as signs of blockages or clogging, mouldy detergent drawer or black marks, clothes smelling and not being washed as they should, or water being left in the drum after the wash is finished, please follow the steps below, which may resolve the issue.

Tenants are to maintain the appliances, by cleaning the filters and carrying out general cleaning to drawer and inner drum rubber seal

  • Filter clean – Put an old towel down, open the cap at the bottom of your machine. Pull out the little pipe and drain the excess water. Remove the filter inlet valve by pulling it out, use a soft brush to remove any debris or particles from the filter. Wipe clean and dry before putting back the filter and closing the filter cap.
  • Cleaning the detergent drawer –remove the drawer from the machine (you may need to push down on a tab to release it). Soak in warm water and use an old toothbrush to scrub away debris and particles. Dry thoroughly and slide back into the machine.
  • Monthly maintenance- using a Calgon tablet/solution which you can buy from high street stores, and putting the machine on a hot wash will help clean the drum and the internals of the machine.

There are videos available on Youtube.com to show how to clean a filter on your specific machine and how to remove and clean the drawer.

If you have carried out the above maintenance and you are still having issues, or have another problem with the machine, please raise a repair request via our online portal, by telephoning 01883 877090 or emailing repairs@hamways.com

If you have been experiencing issues with the drains at the property such as slow draining sinks, washing machine backing up or gurgling drains, these may be signs of a blockage.

Please try to unblock a toilet or sink with a plunger or off the shelf products, before reporting this repair

DO NOT mix cleaning products when carrying out general house duties as some chemicals will mix and create poisonous gases.

Common chemicals not to mix with others are: –

  • Alcohol • Hydrogen peroxide • Ammonia
  • Two different drain cleaners • Baking Soda
  • Vinegar • Bleach

If the blockage will not disperse then we will send a drainage contractor to attend.

Please note that you cannot use your sinks/toilets/drains to dispose of the following, regardless of if they are advertised as biodegradable or flushable: –

  • Bathroom/cleaning wipes/baby wipes/face wipes
  • Hair
  • Cat litter
  • Wipes of any kind
  • Medication
  • Cigarette butts
  • Nappies, including disposable
  • Condoms
  • Paper towels, e.g. kitchen roll
  • Cotton Balls & Swabs
  • Plasters
  • Disposable toilet brushes
  • Razor Blades
  • Fat, oil, and grease
  • Sanitary products
  • Food waste
  • Wrappers & plastic bags

If you need to raise a repair request, please do so via our online portal, by telephoning 01883 877090 or emailing repairs@hamways.com.

If you have been in the property for more than six months and the issue is a frequent problem, then we may seek reimbursement for our costs. We will ask the contractor to identify what is causing the blockage.

How do I know if I have low boiler pressure?

The first sign of a low-pressure boiler is if your heating or hot water isn’t working properly. You can check the water pressure gauge on the front on your boiler. This will be either a hydraulic dial or a digital reading.

Ideally, the gauge should read between 1 and 1.5. But if it reads less than 1 bar, your boiler pressure is too low and needs re-pressurising.

This is a simple process to rectify and can be carried out by yourself.

How to re-pressurise your boiler

  • Switch off the boiler and allow it to cool down.
  • Find the filling loop – this is a flexible, silver pipe with a valve at either end. Double-check that it’s securely attached to the boiler’s pipes.
  • Open up both valves so that they’re in line with the pipe to allow cold mains water into the system. You should be able to hear it.
  • Wait for the water pressure to reach between 1 and 1.5 on the pressure gauge. Do not go higher than this.
  • Once it has, shut off both valves one after the other.
  • Switch the boiler back on and, if needed, press the reset button.

Youtube.com has videos available to show you how to top up the pressure on your specific boiler.

If you have carried out the above maintenance and you are still having issues, or have another problem with the boiler, please raise a repair request via our online portal, by telephoning 01883 877090 or emailing repairs@hamways.com

Signs that your condensate pipe could be frozen

  • The heating is not working
  • Your boiler is making a gurgling or slurping sound
  • There is an error code on your boiler that indicates a problem with the condensate pipe

How to defrost the condensate pipe for your boiler

  1. Locate your condensate pipe. This will be a white pipe that comes out of the external wall behind your boiler and runs directly into an outside drain. The condensate pipe is always plastic and normally white.
  2. Boil a kettle and leave it to cool for 10-15 minutes so that it’s warm rather than boiling. It is important that you do not use boiling water. You could also use a hot water bottle or microwavable heat pack.
  3. Starting from the top and working your way down, apply the water (or wrap the hot water bottle/heat pack) over the pipe until the ice within has melted.
  4. Reset your boiler and it should work as normal.

You can use Youtube.com to help with this process. There are videos available to help you complete this process for your specific boiler.

If you have carried out the above maintenance and you are still having issues, or have another problem with the boiler, please raise a repair request via our online portal, by telephoning 01883 877090 or emailing repairs@hamways.com.

Hamways Repairs Team

If there is an issue that hasn’t been dealt with above or you have been directed to contact us, you can log an issue with the Repair Team.  Please provide as much information as possible and our experienced team will deal with your issue as efficiently as possible.  The information you provide will enable us to assign a Priority rating to the issue so you will know the timescales in which this should be dealt with.   You can track the progress of your repair on the on-line portal.

There are a number of ways to report a repair to Hamways Repairs Team.


At the beginning of your tenancy you will have received an invitation letter with instructions for registering for our online portal

You can register and login here

By registering online to use our portal you will unlock many useful tools and information such as :

  • Reporting and tracking repairs and maintenance issues
  • Viewing your rent account and making payments
  • Viewing your tenancy documents
  • Download a Standing Order Form
  • Submit a Vacating Form


01883 730 890

This line is operated by a dedicated repairs team during office hours 9am-5.30pm Monday-Thursday and 9am-5.00pm Fridays. They will be able to assist in your reporting of a repair and any updates as required.

In case of emergencies only outside of office opening hours (bank holidays and weekends), this number will redirect you to our out of hours service.



The repairs team monitor this email during the office hours as noted above.



If a repair is required, we have a network of approved, certified contractors to deal with the problem.  Once we have instructed the contractor they will liaise directly with you so you can arrange a convenient time for them to attend your property.  It is your responsibility to ensure that the contractor can have access at the agreed time to inspect and remedy the problem.

We have set out the repair escalation timeframes below, so that you know what to expect when reporting a repair to Hamways.

Please note that if the weather is mild, a boiler or hot water repair may be carried out during working hours and not as an emergency priority.


This includes issues such as loss of power (gas or electric) or heating to the whole property, a leak from a pipe if it is not possible to isolate, and flooding from a leak.


A leak from a roof or pipe in the property if it has been possible to isolate it, electrical issues, door and window locks


A washing machine, cooker or hob not working or faulty, damp and mould issues, cracks in walls


Fencing, trees and gardening, (this will be escalated if hazardous), decorations, blinds and issues with windows